The Biology Chemistry Physics’ publication – PDF [7 MB]
Category: artist’s book
16 black-white pages, B5 size, 21 copies, 2011. Preview PDF version here.
The Biology Chemistry Physics photobook. Details: 20 pages, A5 size, colour, 300 copies.
There is a special edition of that publication (Pranckiewicz remix) – 11 copies, numbered and with a few extra Pogo prints (7.6 x 5 cm) which are mounted on selected pages. Each copy has various Pogo prints on different pages and it that sense each is unique. Selected pages of the remix can be seen here.
Artists: Pranckiewicz + Solarewicz + Rusznica
Curator: Beata Bartecka
Layout: Marcin Kuligowski
The New Museum in New York hosts an exhibition called “Younger than Jesus” (April – July 2009). The show presents 50 artists from 25 countries. All of them were born after 1976. In conjunction with the show the museum’s resource centre has created the Live Archive- the presentation of selected independent publications, books related to the to the exhibition and the timeline that lists historical and cultural events from 1976 to 2009.
One of the books presented in the Live Archive is Prismatic Syntax by Waldemar Pranckiewicz. This small publication interlaces surreal images with photographs related to astronomy. There are a few plots in the book: violence, unclarity of meaning, ambiguity and interaction between elements of different images. In the broad sense this book is about subtle connections and configurations of a visual syntax.
Prismatic Syntax is available form the Miligram website and from the following places: Donlon Books, London | Raster Gallery, Warsaw | Motto, Berlin.
Bellow the Live Archive presentation. Photographs: Carolyn Wachnicki